About Us
GrowEagles TechSoul Private Limited. As the name suggests a place where Eagles are grown that means where people with high ambitions and high capabilities are nurtured.
Our blueprints had the following departments laid out as the four pillars on which the organization would build.
- Learn
- Grow
- Earn
- Repeat
- Learn is the entrance to our organization and is the teaching department. We hold classes that give Technical knowledge and training to people who enroll. As we teach them, we too widen our horizon because as we teach, we learn along.
- Grow department where we see the trees which we had planted bear fruits and those who had studied under us now begin to grow and give results. Additionally, we empower businesses, entrepreneurs with branding services like website designing development, Mobile Apps and Branding.
- Earn the third pillar where we assimilate and include our students in our workforce. Their productive abilities are utilized and in return, we give them a substantial stipend which at times is even more than the salaries of some organizations. We are proud to say that our Eagles who have grown up with us and learned the skills are now talented enough to give their services to players like Google, Facebook etc. They can soar high whether within the organization or with other players in the arena.
- Repeat, which means repeat all the above-mentioned points and go from one success to another.
Establishing the organization was a dream and we are proud our dreams have been successful. We today boast of working with such world-renowned international organizations like:
- Michelle Obama Education Welfare Society (MOEWS),
- Wheaton International School,
- Jobcorps, U.S.A.
- Oppidandev and many more
- Odisha Government
We have branches in
- Shillong
- Mumbai
- Haryana
- Nairobi (Kenya)
- Michigan (U.S.A) (Underway)
Our areas of work include technologies like Programing, Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Electronics, mechanical sectors and other fields of IT. Our specialties include:
- Websites with responsive behavior and E-commerce.
- Softwares that run on Windows, MacBook and Linux.
- Mobile Apps with native features for iOS, Android, Windows etc.
- Branded Logo Designing for businesses.
We have made the world’s fastest PHP framework and Electron4PHP, and are proud to say that we have contributed to Google Materialize which Wikipedia describes as “an open-source responsive front-end framework based on Google's Material Design Language that offers slick material design out-of-the-box. Technology.”
We are proud to have the goodwill of our clients but as Eagles we have to rise higher and higher. Our journey has just begun and there are many more avenues to be explored.